web-based surrounding system application to support effective and efficient end-to-end management of credit card transactions and integrated with the core system and other surrounding systems in the BNI credit card business to improve services to credit card holders.
In ECMS there are three application modules that consist of:
Module for processing loan facility application data.
Biling Tools
Module for processing credit card billing data that generates credit card billing information in the form of printed billing sent by courier and electronic billing sent by email.
Web E-Billing
Module that functions as a media for credit card billing information that can be accessed by cardholders through a web browser.
About Us
Swadharma Duta Data company, was established on september 1, 1988. The company was owned by BNI pension founds and Tri Handayani Utama company. SDD was also supported by the experts who are professionals in their fields and have the certification of expertise from well known brands. In supporting the standart quality of goods or services that produced, SDD has an ISO 9001:2015 certificate.
Business Hours
Our support Hotline is available 24 Hours a day: (+62 21) 29373636 Monday-Friday: 8:00am to 5:00pm Saturday: Closed Sunday: Closed